Reflections on life and hiking Himalayas in Socks
Google photos reminded me that two years ago I was hiking the Triund Trek in the Himalayas. It is hilarious to me though now reflecting on the gear I had on this trek, a broken oversized backpack, and the worst possible hiking boots I could have chosen, cute yes, function, not. It was a last-minute decision like most of our choices made when traveling in India, beautiful opportunities seemed to present themselves, but not without their own set of navigating and challenges. I am still in awe and full of so much gratitude for connecting with the people and these incredible mountain spirits.
“ It is magic up here. It is like something from a dream. Lush steep mountains in stark contrast to steeper rocky snowy mountains behind. Grateful for the feeling of sunshine on my skin after being covered in drizzle and rain on the path up. Clouds like smoke whirling and dancing above distant peaks, and distant crow noises. It is like the top of the world. I wish I could fully express the energy of this place. The peace, the strength. “
Triund Trek
Something that continues to amaze me about this life is the incredible spiritual peaks we can find, and the balance and utter hilarity of the physical path we also navigate. The toe boxes of my boots were pointed, which made every step going down the mountain a tight squeeze on my toes. You wouldn’t know it from the pictures, but I hiked quite a few hours of the trail down the mountain in my socks (err my partner’s socks because I didn’t even have good hiking socks ha.) I remember my partner being frustrated with me “You can’t hike down a mountain in socks.” And yet I cannot even begin to tell you how relieving it was to release my feet from those dang cute and non-function boots and throw some sassy looks ha! No, I wouldn’t recommend it, but also sometimes we just must work with what we have. Yes, this was a departure from the utter awe and inspiration of being on the top of the mountain. This feels reflective of many things.
Base where we camped overnight
Beginning the Triund Trek with fellow yogi sisters
· Sometimes we have opportunities arrive in our lives in which we don’t have all the tools available that we need, so it means getting a little creative and unorthodox for solutions.
· Sometimes even if you have all the “wrong” things you still can have some of the most profound moments of your life
· Sometimes what seems like utter insanity to someone (hiking down the Himalayas in socks) is precisely what you need to do, and it is important to listen to your own body
· Experience is a powerful teacher and so is learning what not to do, though if you can I recommend learning in the least painful ways
· Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself, but also outfit yourself with the proper physical, energetic, and emotional tools
· Sometimes this path is painful, but it doesn’t mean it is without beauty and spectacular views